Travel is not an option for us right now, but there’s no reason why we can be dreaming and planning ahead for a fun and relaxing getaway once the restrictions have been lifted. While international travel will remain uncertain for a while, there are plenty of destinations close to home, right here in the US, […]

Close to Home Series

April 4, 2020

#CloseToHome series – Albuquerque

Allegro is a musical term meaning lively tempo, to sound happy and merry.

We design luxury vacations that bring happiness to your life. Whether you seek adventure, want to explore art, food and culture, or just need some rest and relaxation, our vacations are uniquely tailored to suit your personal taste.

We do more than book travel. We carefully research each destination, seek out the best accommodations and experiences, and offer advice and guidance to make your travel experience a smooth and seamless process.

Our job is to provide you with the best vacation ever, minus the time, hassle, and risk of a DIY vacation.